Esfuerzo Wines
There’s a reason we always say, “Every bottle tells a story.”
The bottle that you hold in your hands, that glass you’re sipping on – that wine is the result of much work. To get the grape to the press to be made into wine takes a lot of time and love. Every year the cycle of the vine tells the story of the bottle. Was there a heat spike? Did we have frost? With those factors, who’s farming it? Well, I can distinctly tell you, it’s my grandfather, father, and I.
We each have a story, just like our bottles. Some may say, our stories are one in the same. Those evenings in the vineyards, the long hours in the winery, and the endless nights crushing grapes, laughing, and telling jokes – and most of all, waiting patiently for the wines to press out. Then, guiding them along in their voyage to the bottle. That’s our story. We are our vines.
-Fidencio Flores